What does it mean to be a Renaissauce Man?
It means that there are no limits on your ability to learn, and you absorb as much knowledge daily as possible. My whole life I have tried to make this my attitude towards music. It means one has spent endless hours learning to be a jack of all trades, and even master one or two. It speaks to your determination, your ability to improvise, and your ability to always get the job done.
With just about every musical skill, I got you covered.
I have been playing piano my whole life, since four, and have translated this into many other areas of music. Around ten, I picked up guitar and bass, in high school i learned some drums and by college I was producing and engineering in my old home recording studio as well as professional downtown ones. Most of my life has been spent around musical people.
This year I have made some changes in my life to further this journey of exploring every musical corner.
As you may have noticed, this set up is on an RV. This means that I rotate through different cities and have musical clients and connections located across the United States. Most of my time was recently spent in the Midwest, but now I am in the Los Angeles area, near Acton.
I built this set up myself and have carefully designed it to be the highest quality of recording studio. This is actually the 5th and most permanent space I have put my studio in. I travel mainly between Champaign, Chicago, and St. Louis for the moment. If you need me outside of there and are willing to pay for gas, I'll come anywhere and do work for anyone. I have solar panels so I can run this thing anywhere as long as I can fit. I will be creating smaller Renaissauce "Vans" in the future and they will be able to truly pull up anywhere.
While I support myself off my engineering/producing, I am an artist before I am either of these. I have played piano and guitar my whole life, I have played in many local bands growing up and love jamming with people. I also offer all kinds of music lessons. May 2020 I was able to graduate from University of Illinois with a degree in Open Music Studies, so I like to think I am extremely thorough on my musical abilities.I can help guide you in your art, regardless of who you are. I work with drill rappers, I work with people who make classical Indian Music. I work with Jazz Singers, and I have recorded opera plenty of times. I make beats for everyone. To put it plainly, I work with anyone who is musically invested with their life.
If you want to check out my own music or what I sound like, its right below.
Check out my instagram for more consistent updates! @renaissaucemann